Could Kelly Ripa be my new BFF?

For this ‘momME-adventure’ or shall I say  ‘momME-inventor-adventure’, I changed things up a bit.  No daring physical feats in water or in the air for that matter.  This time, I laid even more on the line, my dreams.  Here why:

I got an email a few weeks back announcing that Kelly Ripa and her husband, so cute by the way, were producing a show on TLC for Women Inventors.  The open casting call would be held on June 9th – 10th and all women who show up would get a chance to give a 30 second product pitch.  If you knocked their socks off, you would then be invited to stay and give a 2 minute product demo which would be video taped!   What’s on the line you ask?  Those that they end up casting will not only make the show but they will have a chance to get their product sold on HSN!    I was more than syked because this opportunity was very timely.  I’ve been in the process of taking a product I created called, Mommy Mitten, to market for the past year and a half.  Could this be my golden ticket?Close up of Mommy Mitten

Here’s what transpired….

The plan was to go to the casting call on Tuesday, June 9th.  I had gotten word that Kelly Ripa was going to be making an appearance at noon that day.  I figured if I was going to do this, why not try to meet her as well.  The evening of June 8th rolls around and I had been practicing both my 30 second pitch and the 2 minute demo for my husband and was feeling pretty good about things when I went to bed.  Then in the morning, I started getting nervous and realized how badly I actually wanted this.  Although meeting Kelly Ripa would have been cool, I decided that one more day of prep was needed.  I was now committed to June 10th.

Me & Kelly at the casting

My mother in-law Rona (aka: Grandma RoRo), comes in on Wednesdays to hang out with Blakely, our 22 mth old so we asked her to come the night prior.  This way Jared (hubby, moral support, biggest fan, best friend) and I could get an early start.  We got to the DoubleTree Hotel on the East Side around 9:15 AM and headed to the room where all the aspiring female inventors were gathering.

This was so cool, I was actually here and doing this!   Jared made himself at home in the back of the room (thank god for Blackberry’s) and I started to mingle.  We were directed to line up soon after our arrival to register, get our mug shot taken and assigned a number which would be called when it was our turn to give our 30 second pitch.  Mine was #143.

As I waited, I met some really amazing women, saw some great inventions and some not so great.  Not sure who would want to buy a pair of water resistant, stain resistant & reversible panties, but hey you never know I guess.  There were some very interesting characters there as I am sure you can imagine.  Not quite the same type of crowd American Idol attracts, but interesting still the same.  Oh and I must give a shout out to the 3 or 4 nicely dressed transvestites who brought their wares for review.  I mean, it called for women inventors, so I guess they count right?

Number 143….shit that’s me!!!  Ok, deep breath.  I got a kiss from Jared and off I went into the room to lay it all out there.   I guess I did good because the fun, easy going guy that was vetting the 30 second pitches seemed to love what I said, so I got the GREEN TICKET!!!!

My GREEN Ticket!!

My GREEN Ticket!!

Wooo Hoooo!!  That meant I could stay to give my video taped 2 minute demo later in the day!  Wow, could this be happening???

4 hours, a turkey sandwich and about 5 bathroom trips later, my number was called yet again.  I went into the room with as much energy I cold muster without seeming annoying (or on something).  I was hoping it did not show that I was freaking out inside.  No time for nerves as they miked me up & asked me to test  it.  That is when, for better or for worse, I busted out with a little beat boxing.   Not what I had planned, but, oh well.   Then with cameras rolling, lights shining…… 3, 2, 1….

“Hi My name is Amy. I live in NY with my husband and 22 mth old daughter and I created a product called, Mommy Mitten…..”

Mommy Mitten on stroller

The 2 minutes flew by, they asked me a couple follow up questions and then…..I got a high five from the lady running the show!!  They said that I did great and Mommy Mitten was “a really great product, really great!”  Even the dude that was casting said he was a dad and he would use it in a heart beat!  OMG!  I guess they could have said that to everyone, but either way, it sure was a validating experience.  I left the room, collected my hubby and we headed to the bar hence the late night Tweet I sent out that evening :).

What’s next?  Well, the casting crew now heads to Chicago and LA and in 8 weeks, give or take, they will be contacting the women that have been selected.  If one they choose happens to be me and my Mommy Mitten, then I could be selling it on HSN!  At that point I think I could officially cash in my green ticket for that golden one.  For now, I will plug away on getting things finalized and ready for my official product launch set for the end of the Summer, just in time for Fall.  To keep me on track, my baby girl when asked what is going to send her to college, actually says “Mama Mitten!!”  No pressure there 🙂

Finger crossed and stay tuned.

O’Brien Screamer, Yeah Baby!

Hey now, get your mind out of the gutter, I mean really!  I’m not sure what you think it is; but for me it involved a lake, motor boat, a lot of coercion and a huge flotation device called, The O’Brien Screamer!  And that is exactly what I did, scream! 

It’s not  everyday your best options are to either:

 A.  Hang on to an inflatable tube going 30 miles per hour praying you don’t loose your bathing suit . -OR- 

B.  Give in to the shear exhaustion, let go all the while knowing your fate is to be launched like a human rock skipping across the top of the water for who knows how long. 

I choose option A and am happy to report I once again, lived to tell about it.

This is a piece of cake, go faster!Whatever you do don't let go!Me catching air on the O'Brien ScreamerStop I have had enough!

I actually wasn’t even going to post about this until I saw these pictures and confirmed that I did in fact, catch air!!  How rad is that?   Anyway, my O’Brien Screamer experience may not been a been a planned ‘momME-adventure’, but I hope you will all agree that it definitely qualifies.